Friday, October 26, 2012

The official story

I'm currently in school, since we have a break next week I had to come pick up some stuff. Got a math test I can do at home, gotta get my book for Swedish and English.
Also, I am a quitter, I am a weak person. So I decided to switch from Maths Standard level to Maths Studies. And from Physics Standard level to Biology Standard level.

Why am I doing this? Because maths and physics are driving me INSANE. I don't understand anything that we're currently doing or what we have been doing. I just want to cry every time I open any of these books. And also, since I want to study within the social sciences at either Oxford or Cambridge, I will need at least 38 points and that's hard to score. I need things to be as easy as possible.

I have all the signatures from my teachers and the guidance and she approved my switches. Now I just need the signature from the IB Coordinator, which can take a while... He's in lunch and he needs 1h lunch so I guess I have to wait for a while.

In the mean time, I'm planning a little surprise for my Simple Plan Blog. It's turning 2 years old on November 17, so I'm really excited about this. And I hope people will be excited about the price. I would really love it!

Also, I bought a book this morning. It's Simple Plan's new book called Simple Plan: The official story and I'm so excited for this!

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